Monday 7 October 2013

Trip to the Flea Market at Jaya One, KL

Using my Leica R8, fitted with my Leica 28-70mm and loaded with Kokak 400ASA film, I used this family outing to test my skills mainly photographing people, using a manual focus camera in different light conditions.

My previous attempts with my manual focus and less automatic exposure functions on my Praktica were not very good- some blurred images and impatient subjects, understandably.

With the Leica's fully automatic exposure setting, I was free to concentrate on the manual focusing. The aim was to capture both posed shots and 'opportunity' shots as quickly as possible.

Although it was an outdoor setting, many photos were taken in low light, under tent coverings, etc. I used a fast film-Kodak ASA400- but avoided using a flash which was a common feature in film photography. Many film shots used to use 'fill-in' flash to eliminate shadow and provide better light, which digital cameras handle very well with their much higher ASA settings. I want to avoid flash as much as possible.

I also wanted to eliminate the use of photoshop, which I have done. Every photo posted here is straight 'out of the camera.'

I was very happy with these photos.
One of the challenges in this and many subsequent photos is "where to focus." In this photo, the focus was on Hazril, hence, Helena is slightly out of focus. but I am finding that this adds interest to the photo

The focus of the camera is on Noor. Hence, the others are slightly out of  focus. yet notice the 3 dimensional element of this photo; something you do not get the flat effect of digital

The focus is on Noor. I love the dimension to this photo, and the sharpness of the subject

Some shadow on faces adds interest and 'mystery'!

The depth and dimension in this photo excites me!

Perfect strangers who looked 'interesting', so to test the colors of film, I asked to photograph them.

Both color and clarity is good...

Taken in low light with very pleasing results

One of those photos that require a quick focus. I am delighted with the result.

Leica at its very best for sharpness, contrast, clarity and color

The focus is in Jen, through the hangers. I am absolutely delighted with every aspect of this photo.

Stunning photo. The subject is so beautiful, the photo is sharp, and the colors vibrant.

Another quick focus with pleasing results

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