Friday 11 October 2013

First Roll from the Leica AF-C1 Compact

 My first roll of developed film from my Leica AF-C1 has been disappointing. However, much of this is due to the fact that I took too many photos requiring a flash and should have started with taking photos in clear bright light.

The 'lamp' photo is probably an example of what good, acceptable shots this small camera can take. The 'available light' shots of the Mercedes Benz display were also acceptable. And the photos of my friend also show the camera, or should I say, the photographer, has potential!

Yet, I am still on a learning curve with film photography and discovering just what each of my cameras will do, and where I am making mistakes. This is surely a part of the fun and the challenge of this form of media.

A nice shot, but marred by what appear to be a developing problem with the small spots

My Leica AF-C1 compact film camera; the first in the Leica range, made with the Minolta camera company in the 1980's.

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