Friday 4 October 2013

Lake Garden: My First Visit...

This first visit to Lake Garden in Kuala Lumpur was an exciting time; not just because the family came and it was my first visit, but because I was trying out my totally manual Exa 1C camera for the first time

The Exa 1C was made between 1985-87 in East Germany by the  Pentacon company. It is a totally manual camera, with no exposure meter and the focus is manually set. The camera came with a beautiful Pentacon f1.8 50mm lens, which I was using for these shots. The shutter speed selection is limited to 30th, 60th, 125th and 175th of a second. I was using Fujifilm 200ASA

The exposure setting for most of these photos was purely guess work, based on my many years of experience as a kid, taking photos with manual film cameras (we could barely afford the camera, let alone even thinking of buying an exposure meter!). I was carrying a meter which I used for some shots.

I was delighted with the results and enjoy sharing them, and the camera story behind them.

My Exa 1C

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