Monday 14 October 2013

Lake Garden, First Visit, with my Exakta VX500 Camera

On our first visit to Lake Garden, I was using two film cameras: the Exa 1C and its 'older brother', the Exakta VX500.

I have already posted photos from my Exa 1C. The photos taken by my Exakta  have just been processed, and the results are very satisfying.

For the camera buff, a little bit of history on the Exakta camera. The Exakta VX500 was made in 1969 by the East German Ihagee company, that also made the Exa range. This camera is entirely manual, with manual focusing lens through the SLR viewfinder, and also has no built in exposure meter. This model does have a reflex mirror.

On the day, I was using an Exakta 80-200mm zoom lens, and also a  f2/50mm Carl Zeiss Jena lens. A handheld exposure meter was used for some of the photos. Others, especially the zoom photos, were guesses. I was using Fujifilm 200ASA.

I am very satisfied with many of the photos. You really can't help but be astonished to think that these photos were taken with a camera that is 44 years old. You just have to be in awe of German camera technology.

A beautiful photo with the Carl Zeiss lens

Stunning detail with the Zeiss lens

A very satisfying photo

Although taken with the zoom lens, with no proper exposure reading, the result is satisfactory

Taken with the zoom lens

Taken with the zoom lens

My Exakta Vx500, fitted with a f2/50mm Carl Zeiss Jena lens

My Exakta VX500, fitted with an Exakta 80-200mm manual lens

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