Tuesday 8 October 2013

Photo Visit to Shah Alam Mosque and Surrounds

The beautiful Shah Alam mosque was a delightful backdrop to the gardens, lake, stream and ponds that surround the house of prayer.

The photos I took with my Leicaflex SL2 camera were a disaster. I am still not sure if it was a problem with the developing or the fact the film had been in the camera too long. However, I learnt a lesson; develop quickly!

The photos posted were taken with my Leica R7 film camera, fitted with the Leica 28-70mm lens and loaded with Kodak 200ASA film.

The day was perfect for photography, with a blue and cloudy sky and lots of sunlight.

Overall, I was delighted with the photos, and enjoy sharing them with you.

I like the movement of the boy in the background running towards the camera

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