Sunday 1 December 2013

Around the KLIA Airport and in the Air...

 Before and during my recent flight to Myanmar, I took a few shots with my Leica R5 around KLIA and from the plane. I guess I just wanted to get a 'feel' of the camera as it was the first time I had used it.

Using a film camera with a manual focus takes a little bit of getting used to for the correct operation and for a 'speedy' photo. The lens setting must be on a certain aperture for the correct operation of the exposure meter; the desired 'program' for the metering must be set, and then the need to be familiar with the focus screen in the viewfinder.

However, taking a photo with a film camera is really magical. Just looking into the viewfinder and seeing the real, and not a digital, image is so refreshing. There is no problem with bright sunlight making the digital screen or viewfinder unclear to see.

 I was very satisfied with these photos taken using Kodak 200ASA film.

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