Thursday 5 December 2013

Bulacan State University Campus

 Visiting university campuses is always something I enjoy. However, visiting Bulacan State University outside of Manila in the Philippines; a university for which I teach, was very exciting.

I am pleased to share a number of photos, taken mainly around the centre of the campus, with my Leica R7

Brief Visit to the University of Yangon

 During my visit to Yangon, I was fortunate to have a brief time on campus in Burma's oldest university situated in the heart of the city.

It was graduation day so I took a few photos of the graduands. As I had a flight to catch, our time was limited that day. However, I was pleased to see the university, and happy with the photos taken with my Leica R5.

Reclining Buddha Pagoda in Yangon

 The size of the indoor reclining Buddha was quite spectacular and I am pleased with the photos taken with my Leica R5 in this indoor situation.

Trip to Malacca with Friends

 The photos taken with my Leica R5 camera in Malacca are most satisfying and I am pleased to share them with you.

The film used was Kodak 200ASA.

The R5 has proven to be an excellent camera, supported by the Leica 28-80mm zoom lens